Accepting payments and other financial transactions that use cryptocurrency is very common these days. Many people prefer to use different types of cryptocurrencies rather than fiat money for online payments. After all, cryptocurrency has significant advantages, such as anonymity, security, and lack of centralization.
The most popular cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and DASH. These are the ones that are the focus of most of the crypto-themed publications on social networks and other online resources. However, there are other lesser-known cryptocurrency varieties. One of them — Chainlink LINK with smart contract technology — will be discussed in this article.
Chain Link is a crypto project launched in 2019. Its authors are Steve Ellis and Sergey Nazarov. It is a network without a center, consisting of nodes and so-called oracles. Relying on price data, they send cryptocurrency coding information to smart contracts. This is needed in order to exchange crypto assets at an exchange. A smart contract is necessary for the functioning of decentralized applications. Smart contract technology is among the most important projects that support this type of blockchain. Smart contracts in Chainlink are automated and maintained by special 'keepers' functions.
Chainlink is the largest and most significant provider of decentralized oracles. Even companies that have nothing to do with blockchain use these oracles in their operations. The weather service AccuWeather, for example, uses them for weather forecasting.
Chain Link has its own token, LINK. It is usually used to pay to node operators.
There are a variety of services available online to facilitate cryptocurrency payment. One of them is the MEEG.IO project. It is a gateway that gives you the ability to make and receive blockchain payments easily. This service is designed to accept and receive funds in a wide variety of cryptocurrencies around the world.
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To use our service, you need to register on our website. You will need to enter your email, username, and password and then leave an application.
If you have any questions - for example, what the cost of our services is, what kinds of cards you can use, do we have a cryptocurrency exchange service, what rights users have, etc. - Please contact our support team. You can call or email us for this purpose.